Winkelwagen (17)
€449.16 EUR
Winkelwagen (17)
€449.16 EUR
€ 24,95
Release date: 19/02/2021
The Lucario V Forces Tin contains:
Pokémon Collection Tin – Galarian Slowbro V Forces Tin: Discover three new Pokemon V cards! Choose the poisonous punch of Galarian Slowbro V in the Pokémon Trading Card Game V Forces Tin. This fantastic tin contains a super-powerful Galarian Slowbro V. With the skills and power to make the right move, defeat your opponent in your next Pokémon battle!
Release date: 19/02/2021
Galarian Slowbro V Forces Tin contains:
Galarian Slowbro No. 80 (Evolution of Slowpoke)
Type: Water, Psychic
Weaknesses: Ghost, Dark, Grass, Electric, Bug
Slowbro is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tinted, striped belly and a round, tinted snout. He has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two small pointed teeth protruding from his upper jaw. He has three clawed fingers on his hands and two clawed toes on his feet. There is a Shellder on his tail. This Shellder has spiral shell that is gray in color with dark gray spots and small triangular eyes. Several spines can be seen on the Shellder’s body and it holds onto Slowbro with the help of many sharp teeth. The Shellder developed its spiral body in an attempt to suck more sweetness from Slowbro’s tail. If its tail or the Shellder attached to it is broken off, the Slowbro will revert to its original form, the Slowpoke.
In Galar, the appearance of Galarian Slowbro is due to Shellder biting his arm instead of his tail, which causes a chemical reaction with the Galarian herbs consumed in his body. The Shellder attached to his arm resembles the Shellder tail of its Cantonian counterpart, but is smaller with a purple tip shaped like a sting and does not even have pupils. He has a small color difference with purple spots on his forehead. His mouth and legs are also purple, while his belly remains gray.
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